Tuesday, May 25, 2010

4th Grade Tropical Rainforest Mural

Collaborative painting and relief sculpture by Ms. Borowski's fourth grade class. Students first painted the mural using tempera paint, then added details on top using acrylic paint.

The Bird of Paradise sculpture was made using bottle and marker caps, old wooden rulers and one large sheet of cardboard saved from a new piece of equipment bought for the art room this year. The students first painted the bird, then attached the other items using hot glue. Beautiful!


  1. This is wonderful! How long did it take you to collect all the bottlecaps?

  2. I'm doing a series #31days of Exploring God's Creation - I used your classroom picture and am linking to you! sorry I didn't get hold of you ahead of time! I accidentally found you and it's PERFECT for my article- posts tonight for tomorrow- (middle of the night- sorry- I usually get permission first) TOTAlly linking to you and recommending your site- I'll remove it right away if you don't approve for some reason- but, I think you'll like the idea of incorporating art into school lessons! :) following your blog - LOVE IT!!!
