Monday, May 24, 2010

Fourth Grade Bird Sculptures!

I am so excited to finally present these birds here on the blog! A couple months ago, fourth grade had their annual Art Gala, and wow, it was a fantastic display. In the art room, every homeroom studied a different habitat and researched the birds that live there. We learned about special traits, habits and colors each bird has that helps it survive in it's environment. Then, each student chose their favorite species and created a life-life sculpture of that bird made entirely out of recylced materials.

The students became masters of the hot glue gun, using it to join all of their parts together. Then, to finish it off, we added colors and patterns modeling the real bird using acrylic paint. This unit took a couple months to complete. It was a hard assignment, but the students were totally up for the challenge! There was a lot of genuine problem-solving, collaboration, and innovation. Since every bird is different, each student had to find materials that worked well with the unique sizes and shapes of their own bird.

I am always blown away by my students' creativity, but this was an especially impressive display of artistic creation at it's best. In the next couple days, I will post samples of birds from each of the habitats we studied. Can't wait to show you more - I think you will be mighty impressed with our fourth graders here at Briargrove!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    These are great!

    Muchas felicidades desde Barcelona!!!!
    Cristina from
