Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Briargrove GREEN Effort

Last year, I created a blog dedicated to our efforts at becoming a more eco-friendly art room here at Briargrove. We spent the year focusing on reusing materials that would have otherwise been thrown in the trash or, maybe if we're lucky, sent to the recycling center. With every single unit K-5, we incorporated recycled materials, whether as tools for creating or as part of the end product. The effort was incredibly successful, and I really feel like Briargrove made a HUGE impact on our environment last year! Be sure to check out a selection of those units here on the Student Art Page!
This year, we will continue with the same goal in mind - to incorporate environmentally-friendly practices and materials into every art unit! I've got a lot more ideas, and can't wait to get started working with my students again! We will share more of our efforts later this fall, because at the current moment I am not at Briargrove... I'm on maternity leave! My husband and I were blessed with our first child two days after school started this year!
So, while I am away from the classroom, I have decided to dedicate some time (when it's available) to updating the Green Effort blog with recurring features such as Artist Inspiration and Tips for a Greener Classroom. My goal is to provide a variety of ideas and resources regarding eco-friendly art studios and art-making. I revamped the blog this morning, and I think it looks pretty great, if I do say so myself! I hope you all check it out and be sure to leave your ideas and resources in the comments!!!
Wishing you all a great start to the school year! See you later this fall!
Mrs. Gonzalez


  1. Mrs. G...

    The Dragons and I LOVE your green heart! :) You are an inspiration to us as well. We look forward to seeing the awesome things your students will soon be creating!

  2. Looks very cool! I have missed seeing what you guys have been up to, thanks.

  3. neat!!! i love your recycled objects in the post below, too!
