Friday, December 17, 2010

Mrs. Gonzalez is BACK!!!

Well, I returned to work from maternity leave right before Thanksgiving, and now it's already time for a break! Wow - that was the fastest semester ever! :)

When I came back to school, I was determined to do something with my students that not only combined many, many skills and concepts but also would be really fun and hold their interest. I CAN'T WAIT to post the beautiful work that came out of that unit - I tweaked it for every grade level and they all did an amazing job. Will tell you more about the unit soon...

While I work on that post, I just wanted to share a couple pictures of some quick but quite lovely little one day lessons I have been doing the past week with the kiddos who finished their big unit early.

3rd, 4th and 5th graders made these recycled magazine ornaments, inspired by Ms. Taylor's Lesson over at the School at St. George Place. They were so fun to make, and very GREEN! Find out more about what we did on the Briargrove Green Effort Page.

Kinder, 1st and 2nd grade made these lovely symmetrical snowflakes. I reinforced their color lesson from the big unit by having them use certain color schemes on their snowflakes. 1st and 2nd grade have been studying warm and cool colors, and kinder has been learning about primary colors.

To make these, the students drew a large plus sign with one color, and an X with another color. Then, they added the same details to each line of the plus and did the same with a different design to each line of the X. It was super simple and effective.

Hope to show you what else we have been working on soon! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So glad your back! Your blog is the most exciting art blog out there! Happy mama-ing and teaching!

  3. Congratulations!!! 2010 art teacher babies are the absolute best(Mine is already going to be a year old next week!)! I love the snowflakes. Amazing to see how beautiful results can be achieved with such simplicity.:)

  4. I love your blog! Your students are very lucky to have you!
    I've "borrowed" (we art teachers are such thieves) some of your green art ideas. You just made my blog today with your cardboard creatures.

  5. Just discovered your blog, what a great place, will be back to visit more, thank you
